Pastor’s Pen 5/26/2019

Pastor’s Pen 5/26/2019

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

I Corinthians 12:27

As we move forward with our “Build The Body” (BTB) campaign I want to remind all of us that this is not some new fad or the latest church growth plan, but one that founded in Scripture. In Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12, Paul gives instructions to Christians about    being part of the body of Christ. The Elders and I are excited by the positive response (over 70 members have signed up) to the BTB. As teams are formed I ask you to pray for the BTB as well as praying that God would be glorified through our efforts. As we continue to Go and share the Gospel, Gather people into our        fellowship, Grow them through discipleship, teaching and preaching, and Go and repeat, may we do so with the hope of seeing many come to saving faith in Christ Jesus.


Your shepherd,

Pastor Mark


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