Pastor’s Pen 01/10/2021

Pastor’s Pen 01/10/2021

The Church!

Greet also the Church in their house. Romans 16:5

When you hear the word Church, what comes to mind?  A building, religion, denomination, God, or a meeting place for Christians? What about our Church’s name, Grace Harvest Baptist Church? What do you believe is the most significant word in our name. When I was praying about a name for the church plant that God called me to start, I felt at complete peace, knowing that Grace would be in the name. It is by God’s Grace that every believer  can call Jesus Christ Lord and Savior. We settled on Harvest because I had a deep desire to see the lost come to Christ, and I knew that God would use us   to bring in some of the Harvest. The word Baptist was added so that people would know what we believed. While all three words in our name are essential, they are not the most important. What makes us unique is the word Church.

The word “church” is a translation of the Greek word ekklesia, which is defined as “an assembly” or “called-out ones.” The root meaning of Church is not that of a building, but people. Grace Harvest Baptist Church is an assembly of people called by God. As a member of GHBC, you have been called   by God to be apart of this particular assembly of “called-out ones.” You and I and every member of Grace Harvest are the Church. It is not a building or any specific place, but we are the Church where we gather as a people.  We have seen God do mighty works here at GHBC, and none of it is because of the Pastors, Elders, Deacons, or the people. It is not      because of any particular program or ministry. It is all the work and sovereign will of God. John   MacArthur says the following about the Church:

This Church has never been led by men, though it has been served by men. It has   never been led by pastors, it has been served by pastors. It has always been led by God through the Lordship of Jesus Christ,  mediated by the agency of the Holy Spirit through those who serve, both men and women. It is not our Church. It is not my Church. It is not the pastor’s Church. It is not the elder’s Church. I have to tell you, it’s not even your Church. It’s Christ’s Church. He     ordained it; He builds it; He leads it. We are simply called into it, and He is the caller.

Christian, we are the called ones that God has put together to be Grace Harvest Baptist Church. We are one body. Paul puts it this way: “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the Grace given to us, let us use them:” (Romans 12:4-6).

There are a least five purposes for the Church, worship, discipleship, fellowship, service, and evangelism. Over the next five weeks, I will focus on each one of these purposes.

Your shepherd,

Pastor Mark


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