Pastor’s Pen 01/31/2021

Pastor’s Pen 01/31/2021

Why, God?

Romans 8:28-29 – And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

 When tragedy hits, one of the first questions that come out of  a believers’ mouth is “Why?” Why would a good God let this happen? Why would an all-powerful God not stop the evil       sin-cursed affairs of this world? Why would God let me feel so much pain? Why won’t God just take away this pain? Some  may use this line of questioning to question God’s very nature, but many others are trying to understand God further in light of their life experiences. When a believer finds themselves at this point, they have two options. They will either go to the Scripture or go to their feelings, fallen human opinions, and   self-glorifying thoughts for answers.

Apart from Scripture, one is told they “deserve better,” or that either God is not in control or maybe that He does not exist or even that He does exist and is actually bad Himself and is at fault for the tragedy. Apart from Scripture, the truth is replaced with a lie and a lie never really gives an answer. Instead, it leaves one even more hopeless. Seeking a reason apart from Scripture will lead one to multiple shifting opinions that will result in a constant search for answers.

In Scripture, we find many passages that speak on trials,        tragedies, and loss. James talks about trials helping the          believer grow in maturity (James 1:2-18). Job reminds us that God has a bigger plan during a tragedy, one that ultimately   has a morally commendable reason (Job 42). In Romans 8:28-29, we discover that morally commendable reason. In this     passage, Paul claims first, “…all things work together for good…” This indeed does mean all things and includes things we deem both good and bad. All things work together for some morally commendable reason, but Paul does not just stop there; he also gives the reason in the following verse.       He states, “For those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son…”

This means the good that all things work together for is to      be remade to be just like Jesus. The good reason for bad       happening in this world is that it forms real Christians into      being more and more like Jesus.  This is the greatest good   both for God and for us that His image-bearers be just like       His Son.

Another and maybe the most critical example of God               allowing something bad to happen because He has a morally commendable reason, was the example of Jesus dying on       the cross. It was a terrible thing that Jesus, who was completely innocent, took the wrath of God for truly guilty people.  There is a good reason though that believers can take that innocent record themselves so that they can dwell with and enjoy God forever.  May we preach to ourselves the goodness of God   both on the mountaintops and in the valleys of this short life.

Your shepherd,

Pastor Jamie


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